Pagla Miyar Mazar (পাগলা মিঞাঁর মাজার)

Feni(ফেনী) is a very small district from Bangladesh and it has very few things to explore from the main town. If you have time while staying at Feni(ফেনী), you can visit this Pagla Miar Mazar (পাগলা মিঞাঁর মাজার). Though it is named as Pagla Miyar Mazar (পাগলা মিঞাঁর মাজার), but the original name of him was Saiyad Amir Uddin (সৈয়দ আমীর উদ্দিন). He was born in 1823 at village Chhonua (ছনুয়া) of Fazilpur (ফাজিলপুর) and died at 1887.

This place is at Takia (তাকিয়া) road of the Feni (ফেনী) town which is very near from the Feni Zero point. You can have a stroll around the streets inside the market, or can have a rickshaw to reach near this place. Local people know this as Takia Mosque (তাকিয়া মসজিদ). Main attraction of the Mazar (মাজার) is the ornate dome at the top of it.

GPS Coordinate of the place is (23° 0’25.53″N, 91°23’51.52″E).

***ফেনী অনলাইন সংক্রান্ত যে কোন তথ্য ও আপডেট জানতে জয়েন করুন আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে।*** Telegram Channel@FeniOnline

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