Bashpara Shat Mondir (বাঁশপাড়া সাত মন্দির)

We have visited this amazing Bashpara Shaat Mondir(বাঁশপাড়া সাত মন্দির) from the Chhagolnaiya Upazila(ছাগলনাইয়া উপজেলা).

We have finished our breakfast from a restaurant nearby at Chhaglnaiya (ছাগলনাইয়া), and collected all the required information from the hotel boy. It was very near from there and we have reached there after having a stroll. It has total 7 tall temples over there. Those are not in a line, rather those are in a shape of `L` from English alphabet. Though I am calling these as temple, but interestingly these are not temple. Possibly these are Moth (মঠ) and build for the Jomidar (জমিদার) of that time (around 100 years back).

All these structures are nicely decorated at the upper side. The top is decorated with the lotus, Chakra (চক্র), etc. It is very difficult to observe the top of the edifices from near as its packed with trees and jungles. To see this beauty we had to move a bit further from the place. The temples are having a medium sized pond beside, and from the other side of the pond the top of the temples looks amazingly beautiful all together.

Apart from these seven beautiful temples, there is another one available which is 2/3 minutes of walking distance away from there. That is known as Ek Mondir (এক মন্দির) as its only one over there. I don’t know much about all these eight temples (though actually Moth). In fact I didn’t find that much of information on web as well.

After visiting this we have moved forward to visit an ancient mosque that is known as Chad Gazi Bhuiyan Mosjid (চাঁদ গাজী ভুঞা মসজিদ).

How to Go:

This Bashpara Shat Mondir (বাঁশপাড়া সাত মন্দির) is very easy to access. First you have to come to the Chhagolnaiya Upazela (ছাগলনাইয়া উপজেলা). You can come here from the Feni district (ফেনী জেলা) using CNG driven vehicles. It is probably 30 taka per person and takes around 30 minutes to reach at Chhagolnaiya (ছাগলনাইয়া).

From there you can take a walk to reach near the temple. Everyone knows about this place, so just ask them if you need any help. For your assistance here is the GPS coordinate of the place(23° 2’13.58″N, 91°30’43.16″E).

Each of the temples are nicely decorated(at top) like this picture.

This far sight view of the temples from the other side of the pond is best as per my observation.

View of the Ek Mondir(এক মন্দির).

Ek Mondir(এক মন্দির).

Ek Mondir(এক মন্দির).

Ek Mondir(এক মন্দির).

Bashpara Shaat Mondir(বাঁশপাড়া সাত মন্দির)
Village: Bashpara(বাঁশপাড়া),
Upazila: Chhagolnaiya(ছাগলনাইয়া উপজেলা),
District: Feni(ফেনী জেলা),
Country: Bangladesh(বাংলাদেশ)

This article is written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog

***ফেনী অনলাইন সংক্রান্ত যে কোন তথ্য ও আপডেট জানতে জয়েন করুন আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে।*** Telegram Channel@FeniOnline

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